Commercial Heating & Air Conditioning

As the expectations around providing healthy and comfortable working conditions continue to climb, commercial building owners and developers face more and more complex demands around air conditioning and heating.

AVS are committed to working with you to design a solution that meets all the required specifications, in the most cost effective and convenient way possible. We understand that on a major building site, time is money, so we’ll go the extra mile to fit in with building schedules, minimising delays and collaborating with specifiers and other tradies to achieve the best possible outcome.

Our team are also skilled at retro-fitting air conditioning and heating systems into older buildings and pride themselves on coming up with innovative solutions to get around any unexpected challenges that may crop up.

Our team is highly experienced in a wide range of commercial installations, from large-scale projects through to smaller projects. We draw on this experience for each and every commercial air conditioning project that we design so you have the reassurance of knowing that you’re getting the best possible advice.