Your tauranga Air Conditioning Experts

We’re a local Tauranga based business, committed to combining industry-leading air conditioning expertise and buying power with the local knowledge and insights that come from being Tauranga born and bred.

As a team, we initially showed you what we’re made of with several years as part of the Auckland based EES air conditioning chain. Now standing proudly on our own as AVS (Air Conditioning & Ventilation Services) , we continue to deliver the high levels of professionalism and service that you have come to expect, combined with a uniquely Tauranga focus that allows us to go the extra mile.

As Bay locals we understand the challenges of Tauranga’s unique climate and bring this local knowledge to every project we work on. 

Our team has many years’ experience across both residential and large commercial air conditioning projects, and we take a genuine pride in delivering unbiased advice and service that’s second-to-none. 

Give us a call today for a quote from our Tauranga air conditioning experts.
